Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Orange Date Cake Tea

About a week ago I won a giveaway held by Lauren (@lbd_steepedtea on Instagram) for an infuser and a bag of tea. I was over the moon as I had won a sample of tea from her before in the flavor Citrus Mint Sangria, and it was delicious, so I was super excited to get to try another of Steeped Tea's teas. She asked me if there was a particular flavor I wanted to try and I told her to surprise me. She surprised me in the best of ways. She sent me a Fruit Tea called Orange Date Cake. It has dates, cardamon, orange bits, currants and other yumminess in it.

Upon sipping my first cup of tea, which I brewed hot, I certainly noticed the orange. A rush of cinnamon came in after I finished my sip. It was so good! I am now drinking a second cup that I also brewed hot and I added a vanilla creamer to. It is Vanilla Orange creamy goodness!! I want to brew some for an iced tea as well and add some oranges to. That would be so refreshing. Lauren picked a perfect flavor! I am excited to soon order some Apple Mango Sangria tea and there are so many other yummy sounding flavors!! Steeped Tea is a tea addicts dream!!!

Please get in contact with Lauren for more information about Steeped Tea. She can be reached at the above Instagram or on Facebook: Lauren's ParTEA - Happiness one STEEP at a time! She has many clever and yummy ways to use teas such as in dips and cookies. Apparently tea is not just for drinking!!

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